The aw continues..
Heeey luvs,
Hope you all had a good day...
Have been working but ended a little bit early than I thought. My dear colleagues made a random plan for going out and have some fun in this Friday night, we had a plan to have a see off dinner for me before I quit and it was a hell to plan to make everyone be apart of it. So it didn't happen like we thought but it ended awesome...
Plan was to be met everyone in the city have a dinner then sit somewhere and have some drinks but people ended late and I got ready before so I thought why not sit somewhere and then meet everyone up. Called up a friend and he turns to be in a club near my house so spontaneous I made up my mind to be there and wait until the rest was ready. It turned that we all stayed thereinated of being in the city. Well being out in that rooftop and have the house music in the background was amazing. Had a really good night with the crew and the best part of it that I could walk home instead of taking a taxi or train even if I always have people who drives me home. What a night will definitely rekomend that club to people who luv house music with a pretty cool veiw...