New Goals...

Hey dears,

I don't know where to start, I have been doing so many things at the same time that I almost to forgot to write, I know I should do it often but the thing is I just didn't get the time for it....

Well starting with something new in this upcoming summer is something that I'm so excited about. It happens quickly and suddenly that I haven't reacted by myself that it is actually happening.

A new carrier is starting for me and I'm happy to announce that I'm going to work in SEB Bank.

Starting as a private adviser/manager will be a new step in my life. Well, what can I say, things happen for a reason and things change for a reason? I'm so happy and shocked at the same time that it just happened in a few days. I just randomly made an application in a weekend and Monday morning I'm getting a call. I didn't need to go for the first two interviews cause the lady in the administration office liked me already by just talking so I went to the last final round and beeing there for 4 hours of interview with 8 CEOs of this city was something I got a new experience about. I just went to the car and driven for 10 mins and got a call back that I got selected they waiting is to see which office but in a week I will get to know my new place.

I'm blessed and so thankful for the nearest people for supporting me and being there for me to get the courage to be the person I am today. Much much love to all of you...

Then lets the celebration begin...=P